10. Acknowledgements

Chapter 10


The European Cultural Foundation is grateful for the longstanding partnership with the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. We acknowledge the annual financial contribution – through the Cultuurfonds – from VriendenLoterij and Nederlandse Loterij.

The European Cultural Foundation would also like to thank all our partners who have supported us so generously in 2021:

  • Compagnia di San Paolo
  • European Commission
  • Foundation Open Society Institute
  • Fondazione Cariplo
  • Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung

Please visit culturalfoundation.eu/partners for a full list of our current partners and funders.

We are a member of the Vereniging Fondsen in Nederland (FIN), of Goede Doelen Nederland and the European Foundation Centre/Philea (EFC). Since July 2014 we have held the CBF ‘Centraal Bureau Fondsenwerving/Central Bureau for Fundraising organisations keurmerk’ (seal of approval).

As a member of Goede Doelen Nederland, the European Cultural Foundation complies with all the necessary codes and guidelines, including the SBF-code for Good Governance and the Erkenningsregeling Goede Doelen.
SBF-code for Good Governance
Goede Doelen Nederland codes, rules and guidelines

We also endorse the European Foundation Centre’s Principles of Good Practice.
Principles of Good Practice

We have the ANBI (‘Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling’) status, which means that the Foundation’s objectives have been deemed to improve the well-being of the general public.


Activities Report – ECF Staff
Financial Report Hans-Peter Christen
Coordination Lise Mathol
Editing Bas Lafleur, Martijn van Schieveen, Ashley Thompson, Friso Wiersum
Image editing Ashley Thompson, Lise Mathol
Concept & design HOAX, Ashley Thompson
Published by European Cultural Foundation
Amsterdam 2022

We have done our best to identify all copyright holders of the images, where copyright is applicable. Should there be any queries in this respect, please contact us at ask@culturalfoundation.eu

The European Cultural Foundation promotes a European sentiment through developing and supporting cultural initiatives that let us share, experience and imagine Europe.

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1075 HN Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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